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Maine Lobster Festival
North Atlantic Blues Festival
Camden Windjammer Weekend
Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show
Top Annual Events
Maine Lobster Festival info Maine Lobster Festival
Over 20,000 pounds of luscious lobster are served to happy folks during the Maine Lobster Festival, plus clams and shrimp and mussels and more.
emptySee Lobster Festival info

North Atlantic Blues FestivalNorth Atlantic Blues Festival
Held in Harbor Park in Rockland, right at the edge of Penobscot Bay, this popular celebration of everything Blues is one of the country's best Blues festivals.
emptySee Blues Festival info

Camden Windjammer Weekend Camden Windjammer Weekend
The Camden Windjammer Festival is a community-led celebration of Camden's maritime heritage and living traditions.
emptySee Windjammer Festival

Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show
The Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors Show at Harbor Park in Rockland features boats in the water and on land, marine wares, the arts, and delicious food.
emptySee Maine Boats info

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Owls Head Transportation Museum

Owls Head Transportation Museum

Rockland Breakwater video

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The Owls Head Transportation Museum houses a unique collection of antique automobiles, airplanes, bicycles and engines. What makes the museum different from similar museums is that all of the vehicles still operate.

see Owls Head Transportation Museum article

Museum Photos

With over 150 working exhibits, the museum's exhibition hall covers the evolution of transportation over nearly two centuries. Highlights are a World War I bi-plane, a 1935 Stout Scarab (called the world's first minivan), and the 1963 prototype of the Ford Mustang.

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Owls Head Transportation Museum

PO Box 277
117 Museum Street
Owls Head, ME 04854
Phone: 207-594-4418
Fax: 207-594-4410

Open Every Day
10am to 5pm - Year Round
Email: Click here

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Trade Winds On The Bay
Maine Eastern Railroad
Glen Cove Inn & Suites & In
Maritime Energy
Samoset Resort
Whitehall Inn

Top Rockland Maine Annual Events - a list of the most popular annual events in the Rockland Maine area

Festivals, shows, and fairs - the Rockland Maine region hosts several major annual events, celebrating everything from blueberries and blues to lobsters and art to boats and boat building to Christmas and winter fun. Throughout the year, Rockland Maine and its surrounding communities offer many exciting events and activities for people of all ages. Here is our list of the "top annual events" that bring flocks of tourists and sightseers as well as Maine residents and local inhabitants from miles around.

Rockland Maine Major Annual Events

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Christmas By The Sea empty Christmas By The Sea - December
The Christmas by the Sea celebration takes place annually every first weekend in December in Camden, Rockport and Lincolnville. In the spirit of the season, community businesses and organizations sponsor free festivities all weekend long that warm the spirit even if the air turns cold. From shopping to Santa and all sorts of performances, it's a great time to celebrate as a family and socialize with friends and visitors old and new.

See Christmas By The Sea info

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U.S. National Toboggan Championships   U.S. National Toboggan Championships - February
The annual Toboggan Nationals boasts a field of over 400 teams and nearly 1,300 racers, with a spectator base of more than 5,000 over two days of heated competition. Without fail, the limited number of team slots annually sells out and the crowds of spectators makes the Ragged Mountain Recreation Area the most popular place to be in Camden the first weekend in February every year.

See U.S. National Toboggan Championships info

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North Atlantic Blues Festival   North Atlantic Blues Festival - July
The acclaimed North Atlantic Blues Festival features over fifteen Blues artists from throughout the U.S. and abroad. Held annually in July in Harbor Park in Rockland, Maine, right at the edge of Penobscot Bay, this popular celebration of everything Blues is one of the country's best Blues festivals.

See North Atlantic Blues Festival info

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Camden Harbor Juried Arts & Crafts Show   Camden Harbor Juried Arts & Crafts Show - July & October
This huge outdoor show held annually in both the Summer and Fall celebrates the work of more than 100 artists and artisans in Camden’s dazzling Harbor Park.

See Camden Harbor Arts & Crafts Show Info

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Friendship Sloop Days   Friendship Sloop Days - July
This annual sailing event is held at the Harbor Park in Rockland Maine. The Friendship Sloop Days is a homecoming and regatta with sloop races, demonstrations and visits to historic Friendship Sloops.

See Frienship Sloop Days info

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Maine Lobster Festival   Maine Lobster Festival - August
The Maine Lobster Festival is one of New England's great summer events held annually the first weekend in August in Rockland, Maine. Tons of steamed Maine lobsters, Maine seafood, waterfront activities, maritime displays, Maine arts, naval vessels, the Maine Sea Goddess pageant, harbor cruises, entertainment and one of Maine's largest parades makes this event one of Maine's most popular festivals.

See Maine Lobster Festival info

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Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show   Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show - August
The Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors Show at Harbor Park in Rockland, Maine features over 60 boats in the water and on land, marine wares, the arts, and delicious food. This 3-day event showcases Maine's top-notch boat builders, craftsmen and architects presenting all the essential elements for life on the coast. Hands-on demonstrations, historical exhibits, live music, and children's activities.

See Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show info

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Maine Antiques Festival   Maine Antiques Festival - August
The Maine Antiques Festival is Maine's largest antique show with dealers from across the country offering a wide variety of antiques for sale from formal to folk art. The Maine Antiques Festival is held annually at the Union Fairgrounds in Union, Maine.

See Maine Antiques Festival info

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Union Fair   Union Fair & State of Maine Wild Blueberry Festival - August
This classic agricultural fair celebrates the world's only blue fruit - the Maine Blueberry. It takes place each year in Union, just a little inland from Camden. A week-long extravaganza, it features everything you'd expect and then some: from pig scrambles to harness racing, antique tractors to belted galloways, blueberry pie eating contests, fireworks and yes, the mandatory crowning of the annual blueberry queen.

See Union Fair info

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Camden Windjammer Festival   Camden Windjammer Festival - September
The Camden Windjammer Festival is a community-led celebration of Camden's maritime heritage and living traditions that is held annually in Camden over Labor Day weekend. Festivities throughout the weekend include live music, nautical activities, demonstrations, boat parade and fireworks. Events occur at the Public Landing, at the Harbor and Harbor Park and Downtown Camden.

See Camden Windjammer Festival info

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TakeMe2 Communications | 2 Main Street | Building 17 - Suite 301H | Biddeford, ME 04005 | 207-712-8595