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Birch Point Beach - Owls Head, ME

Birch Point Beach State Park

Birch Point Beach State Park Photos

Located in Owls Head, Maine, this crescent-shaped oceanfront beach offers sweeping panoramic views of Western Penobscot Bay and the surrounding islandsr.

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Birch Point Beach State Park - Discovering an oceanfront beach hidden gem in Owls Head, Maine

Birch Point Beach State ParkDo you consider yourself a bit of an explorer? In finding this destination, about fifteen minutes from Rockland, you’ll need to approach it as an adventure since it can be tricky to find. However, Birch Point Beach State Park is well worth the extra effort. This park is tucked away in Maine's Midcoast region, south of Ash Point in Owls Head, Maine and can be found on a tiny peninsula bordering Mussel Ridge Channel on the western side of Penobscot Bay. The minute you find Birch Point Beach State Park, it becomes clear that you have discovered some of the best oceanfront scenery in the entire Midcoast region. Nestled between two extremely rocky areas in the Mussel Ridge Channel is a crescent-shaped oceanfront beach. In this spot, you have unbelievable access to a sweeping panoramic view of Penobscot Bay and its scattered islands.

Birch Point Beach State Park is the perfect spot to spend the afternoon. Many people like to swim in this picturesque location; they just need to keep a couple things in mind. First, the Penobscot Bay waters are either invigorating or cold, depending on your personal temperature scale, so plan your attire accordingly. Second, there are no lifeguards on duty here so people should use their best judgment and children should always be under adult supervision. If you prefer to stay on land, visitors can spend the day shore fishing or casting a line for saltwater rock bass or mackerel, depending on what is in-season. People can also have a relaxing picnic, discover beachcombing for seashells, observe the native wildlife, and capture award winning photographs that this area is known to inspire.

Birch Point Beach State ParkThere is no charge to access this park, although it is important to note it is a bit smaller compared to other spots in the region. Locals flock to this spot since it’s off the beaten path and they’ve learned how to spot it after years of experience. Like many other Maine destinations, the instructions are a bit vague: the entrance to the park can only be accessed by driving through an open gate, tucked away at the end of a dirt road. You will be faced with a smooth, sandy beach seconds after you pass through the gate. There are a limited number of amenities including several outhouses and picnic tables. Birch Point Beach State Park is loved for its beach, gentle surf, beautiful enclaves, smooth bedrock, and dunes of cobblestones and pebbles. Simply, it is a place to get away from it all.


TakeMe2 Communications | 2 Main Street | Building 17 - Suite 301H | Biddeford, ME 04005 | 207-712-8595